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Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.




Our resources are written by experienced sixth form practitioners, capitalising on their backgrounds in pastoral care, careers education, honing study skills and building wider awareness of the world in readiness for adult life.
Maritime Careers - World Maritime Day

Maritime Careers - World Maritime Day

This resource/lesson looks at the trillion dollar maritime industry and the vital role it plays for the UK economy, the importance of being an island nation, helping students to consider what possibilities are available in this area, where to find out more and to get them thinking about the subject. The Teaching Notes include a link to a survey on Forms to duplicate to get students thinking about the topic in advance. While it could fit with World Maritime Day on 30 September, it could also fit at any time in your careers programme and could link with having a speaker from the industry or with World Oceans Day. Links to further reading about maritime careers is included on the final slide.
Women in STEM

Women in STEM

Test your student’s awareness of Women in STEM through a FORMS quiz, to get the discussion going. This resource includes an adaptable Powerpoint presentation, teaching notes with a link to a quiz to duplicate, and photpcopiable Exit Ticket to ascertain understanding and allow for follow-up. This is designed to get students thinking about equality in the workplace and remind them of the achievements of women, to help inspire them to achieve and for all to accept this as the norm.
National Apprenticeship Week What are apprenticeships

National Apprenticeship Week What are apprenticeships

This resource begins with a survey to ascertain prior understanding of apprenticeships, then moves to the apprenticeship Ppt. The Ppt is adaptable and there is a follow-up quiz to check understanding. It also includes links to relevant sites for further information
Work Experience

Work Experience

This provides the complete lesson on work experience, including a preliminary survey on Forms to gain understanding of job sectors students are interested in, a Ppt presentation including discussion activities and a plenary quiz in addition to links of where to gain further information or support.
Careers with animals Exploring Job Sectors

Careers with animals Exploring Job Sectors

This presentation includes all you need to broaden student awareness of careers with animals, teaching notes with links to introductory and plenary quiz, Powerpoint presentation with focus on particular roles, discussion points and links to support further research.
Working with Children - Exploring Job Sectors

Working with Children - Exploring Job Sectors

This resource looks at the field of working with children and young people and includes preliminary survey on Forms, Ppt with discussion areas and printable discussion sheet in addition to teaching notes. It is a complete lesson, intended for post 16 students, so could be part of the PSHE or Careers programme, to widen awareness as they think about their post-18 options.
Bitesize Study Skills Vol I

Bitesize Study Skills Vol I

This is a 5 part resource of 5-10 minute PowerPoint presentations discussing Cornell Notes, Interleaving, Pomodoro Technique, Planning is Key and Revision Techniques. Ideal for tutor time or as part of an assembly, these presentations also include further reading to back up the theory and support you in supporting your sixth formers to adapt to the demands of level 3 courses and reach their full potential.
Sixth Form Building Academic Resilience

Sixth Form Building Academic Resilience

4 Resources
This bundle includes our Sixth Form Induction Pack, with How to Make the Most of Sixth Form Presentation, Health For Learning Presentation, Organisation for Learning (including folder organisation support and Cornell Notes template) 5 part Bitesize Study Skills pack, covering Cornell Notes, Pomodoro Technique, Interleaving, Planning is Key and Revision Techniques 5 part Bitesize Study Skills Vol II pack, covering Mind-mapping, Key Words, Teach Yourself/Teach Others, Reinforce and Reward and Testing Times Reading in Sixth Form presentation A great start to supporting those new to Sixth Form and revisiting the skills needed.
What am I worth? Careers Literacy

What am I worth? Careers Literacy

This lesson includes teaching notes, PowerPoint, preliminary and plenary quizzes on Forms and built in discussions to get students thinking about the cost of living and what they need to bear in mind when planning their career from a financial point of view and weigh up the pros and cons of university and apprenticeships, but also consider the value of job satisfaction. The presentation includes links to support further reading and research to help students consider their choices.
European Day of Languages - The value of languages for the UK economy

European Day of Languages - The value of languages for the UK economy

This resource is a lesson on the value of language learning for the UK economy and beyond. It includes discussion points and could be used to inspire students to contemplate MOOCs in a language or language courses at university. The resource includes Teaching Notes which have a link to duplicate a survey on Forms to ascertain how students appreciate (or don’t) language learning. There is also a worksheet for the Hellos activity, though this could be replaced with post-its. The lesson is wholly adaptable, so look through it to see what you think will work best for your time slot and students.
Sofonisba Anguissola, artist  -Women in History

Sofonisba Anguissola, artist -Women in History

This short presentation introduces students to Sofonisba Anguissola, an accomplished woman painter from the 16th/17th century. At a time when men dominated the professional art world, Sofonisba made a career at the Spanish court and beyond, was mentored by Michelangelo and blazed a trail as a leading portrait painter. This presentation could support Gatsby Benchmarks 3 and 4 and demonstrates what dedication in the face of obstacles can achieve.
Work experience and volunteering bundle (Enrichment support)

Work experience and volunteering bundle (Enrichment support)

2 Resources
This 2 part bundle includes a powerpoint on the value of work experience and tips on how to find a placement, and a powerpoint on the value of volunteering, to celebrate International Day of Charity at the start of September, but also at any time to demonstrate the value of volunteering, for the mental health of the volunteer, to help people in need, and to build skills such as empathy, teamwork, showing initiative, which are of value in the world of work and sought in job and university applications.
October bundle

October bundle

9 Resources
These resources can be used for events in October such as World Artist Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Space Week, Osteoporosis Day, Smile Day and World Financial Planning Day, World Sight Day
Global Entrepreneurship Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week

5 Resources
This bundle includes a variety of lessons useful to creating your own business, but also towards developing skills for employment and preparing for the world of work in general.
Global Entrepreneurship Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week

This presentation is designed to coincide with Global Entrepreneurship Week, but could also be used as part of your careers programme and could be an ideal precursor to welcoming a talk from a local entrepreneur. It involves students researching a chosen entrepreneur, so they will require access to the internet. The teaching notes include a link to a preliminary quiz and there are printable worksheets to support discussion and research activities. The teaching notes and Ppt also include suggestions of further activities or links to share with students.
November bundle

November bundle

8 Resources
These lessons meet the needs of key dates in November, but also contribute to your PSHE programme.
Green Careers - Our Planet, Our Impact

Green Careers - Our Planet, Our Impact

This lesson focuses on green careers and the commitment of companies to reduce their carbon footprint in coming years, giving opportunities to discuss the potential impact on the job market of the future and the importance of checking out a company’s green credentials. It points out that any job has the potential to contribute to lowering carbon emissions, making a company more sustainable and much more. The teaching notes include a link to duplicate an introductory survey on Forms, which can be sent out prior to the lesson, or the QR code added to the Ppt for students to complete on arrival. This lesson is part of our growing Our Planet, Our Impact series, so please check out what else is on offer.
Our Planet, Our Impact

Our Planet, Our Impact

9 Resources
Our Planet, Our Impact is a growing series of lessons to support environmental awareness in a variety of scenarios, including Green Careers, preparation for university and contributing to make change.
Creativity and Innovation - Our Planet, Our Impact

Creativity and Innovation - Our Planet, Our Impact

This lesson is designed to coincide with World Creativity and Innovation Day in April, but could fit at any juncture in your Careers/Lifeskills/ PHSE schedule. The Powerpoint includes various opportunities for discussion and to get students thinking, along with optional suggested video links. The presentation is wholly adaptable, given that everyone has different time allocations. The Teaching Notes include a link to duplicate an introductory quiz/survey on Forms to begin to introduce students to the topic. It is also available as part of our Our Planet, Our Impact series.